General Settings
  • 06 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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General Settings

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Article summary

Date/time display mode

This option is used to configure the specify the display mode of the time. We can either view the Date Time values in UTC format or in the local browser format.

Grid row height

  1. Auto: In this mode, the height of the grid rows will adjust according to the content
  2. Fixed: In this mode, height of all the grid rows will remain fixed irrespective of the content

Show action item button on hover

When this option is enabled, frequently used operations will be displayed as icons when the resource node in the tree view is hovered.

Track active tab in resources treeview

When this option is enabled, the resource shown in the tab will be displayed and highlighted in the left tree view.

Disable numeric captcha for irreversible operations

When this option is disabled, users will not be prompted to enter the numeric captcha while performing the irreversible operations.

Sign out from all Azure Subscriptions when application exits

When this option is enabled, you will be logged out of all the Azure Subscriptions added to Cerebrata. You will have to enter your credentials again to connect to your subscription.

Background tasks Logging

You can enable logging of background tasks and configure the number of days to retain the background task logs.

Crash dumps collection

You can configure your Cerebrata instance send the crash logs of the Cerebrata application to our support team whenever your application crashes

Service Display options

This setting is used to display only the required Azure Services in Cerebrata


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