Version 1.5.35
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Version 1.5.35

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Article summary

November 2020

Version 1.5.35

Storage Blob

Cerulean now supports Storage Service REST API version 2019-12-12.


  • Blob Versions: Using Cerulean you can now manage blob versions. Once versioning is enabled on a storage account, you can list versions of a blob, view properties/metadata/tags of a version, download/open/delete a specific version, promote a version to overwrite the base blob or create a snapshot for a version.
  • Blob Tags: Using Cerulean you can now manage tags on a blob. Currently blob tags functionality is in preview and you have to manually enable it on a storage account. Once tags are enabled, you can add/edit/delete tags on a blob.
  • Shared Access Signature improvements: Cerulean now enables you to create access policies/shared access signature with permissions for managing blob tags and blob versions.
  • Upload improvements: For storage accounts that support access tiers, you can set access tier of a blob at the time of uploading. This enables you to directly upload a blob in archive or cool tier. You can instruct Cerulean to calculate MD5 hash of a local file and set that as Content-MD5 property of that blob.
  • Copy improvements: For storage accounts that support access tiers, you can set access tier of a blob at the time of copying. This enables you to copy a blob and set its access tier in a single operation.
  • Faster "archived" blobs retrieval: When rehydrating an archived blob (i.e. changing the access tier of an archived blob to either hot or cool), you can set the rehydrate priority to "high" which will rehydrate the blob faster.
  • Faster deletes: Cerulean now makes use of batch functionality to delete blobs thus making blob delete operation incredibly fast because a maximum of 250 blobs are deleted in a single request instead of one blob in a single request.
  • Faster access tier change: Cerulean now makes use of batch functionality to change access tier of blobs thus making the operation incredibly fast because access tier of a maximum of 250 blobs are change in a single request instead of one blob in a single request.

Storage File

  • Cerulean now supports Storage Service REST API version 2019-12-12.

File Shares

  • Soft delete support: Using Cerulean, you can now view soft-deleted file shares and undelete those file shares. Soft delete must be enabled for file service.
  • Security Descriptor Permission: Using Cerulean, you can now create permission on a share by specifying the permission in SDDL format. You can also fetch permission in SDDL format using a permission key.
  • New Bulk Operations: New bulk operations are introduced in Cerulean. Using Cerulean you can now set NTFS attributes and permissions for all files/folders in a share.


  • Additional properties: Cerulean now shows additional properties for a folder. You can see a folder's created date, last written date, last changed date, NTFS attributes and security descriptor permission. You can change these properties of a folder using Cerulean as well.


  • Additional properties: Cerulean now shows additional properties for a file. You can see a file's created date, last written date, last changed date, NTFS attributes and security descriptor permission. You can change these properties of a file using Cerulean as well.
  • Set Content-MD5 on upload: When uploading files, you can instruct Cerulean to calculate MD5 hash of the source file and set the same as the content-md5 property on the file.
  • Lease operations: Using Cerulean you can perform lease operations on a file. You can acquire lease, break lease, change lease or release lease on a file.

Storage Queue

  • Cerulean now supports Storage Service REST API version 2019-12-12.
  • Ability to create messages in a queue with time-to-live (TTL) more than 7 days.

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