Service Bus Settings
  • 06 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Service Bus Settings

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Article summary

General Settings

Use AMQP over WebSocket

Use this option when TCP port 5671 (default port used by AMQP) is blocked in your network.

Queue Settings

Date/Time format and Grid row height

This setting is used to override the general settings in the Service Bus section.

Tab to open on double clicking a queue node

This setting is used to specify which of the following tab must be opened when double clicking a queue node.

  1. View messages
  2. View Dead-Lettered messages
  3. Monitor queue

Behavior for viewing message details

Message details can be viewed either in a popup or side panel based on this setting.

Max queues per request

This setting specifies the maximum number of Queues listed per request.

Max messages / Page

This setting specifies the maximum number of messages listed per page when peeking the messages.


Topic/Subscription Settings

Date/Time format and Grid row height

This setting is used to override the general settings in the Service Bus section.

Tab to open on double clicking a subscription node

This setting is used to specify which of the following tab must be opened when double clicking a subscription node.

  1. View messages
  2. View Dead-Lettered messages
  3. Monitor queue

Behavior for viewing message details

Message details can be viewed either in a popup or side panel based on this setting.

Max topics per request

This setting specifies the maximum number of topics listed per request.

Max subscriptions per request

This setting specifies the maximum number of subscriptions listed per request.

Max messages / Page

This setting specifies the maximum number of messages listed per page when peeking the messages.


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