Storage Analytics
  • 16 Sep 2021
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Storage Analytics

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Article summary


When it comes to storage analytics settings, Cerebrata is the only desktop tool that will let the users configure the analytics settings for blob, file, queue and table service of the storage account.
Cerebrata provides a convenient way of viewing and managing (downloading, purging, copying etc.) the storage analytics data stored in relevant blob containers and tables.

Configure Storage Analytics Settings

Cerebrata allows user to configure the Storage Analytics settings at the Storage Services level (Blob, Tables, Queues and Files). It provides three types of Setting for different Storage Services that are given below:

  1. Logging Settings: Logging settings allows user to configure the operations to log. It is possible to log Write, Read and Delete Operations. It also offers options to configure the retention for the log stored. This Logging Setting is available for Blobs, Queues and Tables
    2. Hourly Settings: Hourly settings allows user to log the operations on an Hourly basis along with Retention policy. This Hourly Metric Setting is available for all types of Storage services
    3. Minutes Settings: Minutes settings allow users to log the operations on every minute and retention policy. This Minutes Metric setting is available for all types of Storage services

View Storage Analytics data

Using Cerebrata, the user can view data stored in various storage analytics tables and blob containers. It stores four types of data like Metric capacity, logs, Hourly and Minutely metrics.

Metric Capacity data

User can manage (view, query, and download) blob capacity data stored in the "$MetricsCapacityBlob" table. All entity management features are supported for this table.

Logs data

User can manage (view and download) logging data stored in the "$logs" blob container. All blob management features are supported for this blob container.

Hour/Minute Metrics data

User can manage manage (view, query, and download) hourly and minute metrics data stored in $Metrics(Hour|Minute)PrimaryTransactions(Blob|File|Queue|Table), and $Metrics(Hour|Minute)SecondaryTransactions(Blob|Queue|Table).

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