  • 16 Sep 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Resource Category

Cerebrata has this unique feature wherein you can assign a "category",e.g. "Dev", "QA" or "Prod" to a resource so resources can be grouped together based on their category for easier management of those resources.

You can view the resources based on:
Resource Type (Default): Resources are grouped based on type e.g. all storage accounts will be grouped under the "Storage Accounts" type.
Resource Category: Resources are grouped based on category, e.g. all resources under the "Dev" category will be grouped together.
Resource Category & Type: Resources are grouped based on category and then type.
No Grouping: Resources are not grouped and are presented as is.

Group By TypeGroup By Category
Group By Category & TypeNo Grouping

Create a Resource Category and Add resources to it

To create a new resource category in Cerebrata, user can go to

File > Resource Categories > New Resource Category

In the pop-up window, the user can provide a Resource Category Name and choose a specific colour for this category.

New Resource Category.png

To add resources to a resource category, user can go to

Required resource > Action > Categorize > Choose the required Resource Category

Add resource to a resource category.png


To prevent accidental deletes and updates, Cerebrata has a distinct feature of setting permissions on a resource. These permissions are specific to Cerebrata only and opens up a resource with specified permissions.

Currently following permissions can be set on a resource:
Read Only: Resources are opened in read-only mode, and no updates or delete operations can be performed on the resource.
Read Write: Resources are opened in read-write mode, and only read and update operations can be performed on the resource. Delete operations are blocked.
Full (Default): Resources are opened in read-write-delete mode and all operations can be performed on the resource.



Cerebrata enables you to add certain kind of resources as favorites (in other words, bookmark those resources) so that you can conveniently access these resources directly instead of navigating through the resource hierarchy.
Some features related to favorites in Cerebrata are:

  • Ability to group favorite resources in folders/sub-folders.

  • Ability to assign a friendly name to a favorite resource.

  • Ability to open a favorite resource in "read-only" or "read-write" mode to prevent accidental deletes and updates.

Following resource types can be added as favorites:
Storage: Blob containers, file shares, queues, and tables.
Cosmos DB: SQL API containers, Gremlin API containers, and Table API tables.
Cognitive Search: Cognitive search indexes.
Redis Cache: Redis cache databases.
Service Bus: Service bus queues and subscriptions.


To add any resource to the favaorites section, the user can select the particular resource and choose the favorite icon.

Add to Favorties - cerulean.png

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